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第18屆InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節 開幕節目1:《聖筊》Wishful Syncing

第18屆InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節 開幕節目1:《聖筊》Wishful Syncing

18th InDPanda 開幕節目OPENING Programme 1: 《聖筊》Wishful Syncing 15 Jan 2023 (日Sun) 5:30pm 25 Feb 2023 (六Sat) 5:30pm K11 Art House 台灣Taiwan/ 導演Director:徐漢強John Hsu/ 2022/ 83'/ 國語及台語對白, 中、英文字幕In Mandarin & Taiwanese with Chinese & English subtitles 金馬影展參展作品。 《返校》、《小清新大爆炸》導演徐漢強 x 《天橋上的魔術師》聯合編劇陳虹任 x 《消失的情人節》劉冠廷 = 充滿愛,年度開心感人愛情喜劇 健身教練阿保 (劉冠廷飾)戇直簡單,是健身房業績最爛的教練。他把每個學員當國手鍛鍊,終於學員都跑掉,只剩下整天用科技產品抵學費的兩光發明家阿山(黃迪揚飾)。阿保和雅雅 (孫可芳飾)結婚三年,竟殺出一個老婆久違的青梅竹馬黎大仁(李國毅飾),阿保才發現自己工作和學歷都沒法跟大仁比。正當阿保感到不安之際,阿山拿出半開發中的讀心神筊「BWEI」,在「BWEI」的加持下,阿保能否保住他的婚姻? Being the most unsuccessful fitness trainer, the hard-working Bao trained everyone as if they were national athletes. They all ran away, except for the lousy inventor Shan, who doesn't pay Bao, and instead gives high-tech gizmos in place of his membership fees. His wife Ya-ya's old crush Li Da-ren unexpectedly butts into their almost three years of marriage. Bao works with the wacky inventor Shan. With the half-developed mind-reading divination blocks, will Bao win back his wife’s heart against her childhood sweetheart?
第18屆InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節 開幕節目2:《9個貓爸爸》Cat Daddies

第18屆InDPanda (熊貓)國際電影節 開幕節目2:《9個貓爸爸》Cat Daddies

18th InDPanda 開幕節目OPENING Programme 2: 《9個貓爸爸》Cat Daddies 15 Jan 2023 (Sun日) 7:30pm 26 Feb 2023 (Sun日) 5:30pm K11 Art House * 特別加設中文字幕 美國USA/ 導演Director:Mye Hoang/ 2021/ 89'/ 英語對白,中文字幕In English with Chinese subtitles 2022年Frozen River電影節評審團特別獎及最受觀眾歡迎獎 2022年三藩市獨立電影節最受觀眾歡迎獎 2021年達拉斯國際電影節最受觀眾歡迎獎 2021年Newport Beach電影節紀錄片傑出成就獎 在疫情下,人們都需要希望與陪伴,《9個貓爸爸》帶領我們穿梭美國不同地方,看看一群來自不同背景的男子,如何因為對貓的愛,而永遠改變他們的一生,組成了一幅溫暖而溫柔的圖畫。 這九位「貓爸爸」來自各行各業——消防員、貨車司機、荷里活特技演員、廣告主管變身貓救助者、警察、軟件工程師、演員/Instagram網紅、教師和住在紐約市行頭我無證殘疾移民,一人有一個引人入勝的故事,盡顯他們對心愛的貓那份無條件的愛。 A heartwarming and tender portrait of a diverse group of men whose lives have been forever changed by their love of cats, CAT DADDIES takes us on an inspiring journey all across the United States during the challenging early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when people desperately needed hope and companionship. These nine “cat dads” come from all walks of life – a firefighter, a truck driver, a Hollywood stuntman, an ad executive turned cat rescuer, a police officer, a software engineer, an actor/Instagram influencer, a schoolteacher and an undocumented and disabled immigrant living on the streets of New York City. They couldn’t be any more different, but each of them has a compelling story to tell and share an unconditional love for their beloved cats.

© 2023 by InDPanda International Film Festival

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